Campus Security Report
Annual Security Report
(Click here to download the 2023 Annual Security Report)
Student Code of Conduct
pg电子app下载希望其学生遵守当地、部落、州、联邦法律和大学 规定. The college will not tolerate unlawful behavior, which infringes upon or denies the rights and freedoms of others, or disruptive acts, which affect either the academic or the civil operation of the college. pg电子app下载 standards of conduct clearly 禁止非法持有、使用或分发非法毒品,禁止持有、 学生在学校内使用或销售酒精或作为学校官方活动的一部分 recognized activities. If a student becomes disruptive and refuses to leave when asked, law enforcement officials will be contacted. Any student who fails to observe these laws and 规定 may be denied the services of the college through due process.
Authority and Jurisdiction
Two of the pg电子 Community College (pg电子app下载) campuses are located within the Umonhon and Isanti Tribal Boundaries and are policed by the Tribal law enforcement. Both Knox County and Thurston county Sheriffs may also be called as dispatch for 911 is designated to these locations. pg电子app下载 works diligently to maintain good communications with these departments. pg电子app下载’s third campus is urbanely located on Dakota Avenue in South Sioux City, Nebraska. The local authority, South Sioux City Police Department 在这个地方发生犯罪或有犯罪嫌疑时被称为保安. 该机构不雇用任何校园保安或与任何保安签订合同 公司. All security is handled by local authorities as listed above. pg电子app下载确实 not have any memorandum of understandings with the above listed authorities, but we share information if needed for investigations.
pg电子(pg电子app下载)的管理、职员和教员 致力于教育、就业和参与机会均等的计划 在大学活动中不分种族,肤色,性别,年龄,宗教信仰,政治 ideals, marital status, physical or mental handicap, national origin or ancestry.
内布拉斯加州印第安社区学院遵守教育修正案第九条 of 1972, Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, section 504 of the Rehabilitation 1973年的法案,1990年的美国残疾人法案,以及适用的联邦法律, state, tribal, and local laws. The person charged with monitoring and coordinating Equal 机会和平权行动很重要,以及遵守上述规定 laws is the Human 资源 Director.
The College retains the right to follow a policy of Indian preference in employment in line with the Title VI and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 and any other applicable federal, state and 部落的法律.
Campus Safety Services
pg电子app下载 makes every attempt to make sure that all campuses are monitored by a college 遵守报告准则和学院规则的员工或志愿者. The college has established cameras at all locations that show the outside and the inside of the common areas of each campus to monitor and verify any activity that is against school policy.
The campuses have overhead lighting in all parking areas. Campuses with more than one building have these same precautionary devices on each building. pg电子app下载 staff check and lock all structures each night at closing time. Each campus has a Campus Coordinator with whom reports can be filed:
Hank Miller, Department Chair of Science and Math
South Sioux City Campus
Justin Kocian, Chief Information Officer
Dawne Price, Dean of 学生服务
All Administration has been instructed to report any incidents to the 总统 as soon as an alleged crime is reported. pg电子app下载 employees completed VAWA, Cleary Act, and 通过pg电子app下载进行骚扰在线培训,并为Active举办了全体员工培训 杀手训练. Annually pg电子app下载 makes a good-faith effort to collect crime statistics 来自我们当地的执法部门这是以书面信件的形式记录下来的 mailed to the local authorities. pg电子app下载 is not required to keep a daily crime log since we do not have any on-campus housing.
Crime/Emergency Reporting
and safety issues to pg电子app下载 Administration immediately. In the event of an immediate
danger of a person 911 should be called for local authorities. Each pg电子app下载 Campus has
a weather alert radio that alerts pg电子app下载 campus communities of threats of tornado or
风暴. Administration notifies all building occupants and gives instructions for
跟随他们. Every campus has a storm shelter area and fire alarms. 当你
报告 an emergency, you should be prepared to give your
location, name, and telephone number to the operator. In the event of unsafe roads,
or unsafe services i.e. water outage, pg电子app下载 has an account with SNOWCAP Communications
Solutions to post all school closings, as well as 脸谱网. pg电子app下载 has posted at each
campus location storm shelter information.
Drug-Free College Community
pg电子app下载 is committed to providing a healthy, safe, and secure educational environment. 应采取合理措施建立和维持一个无毒品的环境,这是一项政策 college community as required by the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act (Public Law 101-226) and Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988 (Public Law 101-690) and applicable state and tribal statutes. No person - student, faculty member, staff or visitor - 不得在醉酒或受影响的状态下进入大学校园 of illegal substances. Neither alcohol nor controlled substances may be carried, consumed, manufactured or distributed at pg电子app下载 college events, or on pg电子app下载 premises.
使用非法药物和滥用酒精对社会、身体、 and emotional health risks. Users may suffer damage to key body organs such as the heart, liver, kidneys, and central nervous system. Drugs can kill the user, and the use of drugs and alcohol during pregnancy may cause birth defects or death of unborn 婴儿. Drugs and alcohol abuse may cause difficulties with concentration and memory that impairs learning. Drugs and alcohol abuse can be instrumental in the deterioration of family units and the breakdown of friendships and other support systems.
College Sanctions
任何与酒精或毒品有关的涉及骚扰或威胁言论的事件 任何可能危及任何学生、教职员、教职员工或行政人员的行为都将自动进行 导致学院通知有关部门,并将被开除学籍.
内部管理的违规行为可能导致失去旅行特权和/或 loss of Institutionally managed scholarships.
or guardian will be notified. Any expulsion or termination related to alcohol abuse
treatment program and show proof prior to their review for reinstatement.
The drug penalty schedule listed on pg 9-12 of the security report.
Violence Prevention
Violence-Free Institution
内布拉斯加州印第安社区学院对身体或语言暴力是零容忍的 任何形式的. Anyone causing a situation which threatens the physical or emotional well-being of any pg电子app下载 student, staff, faculty, administrator, or visitor will be removed, barred or dismissed from enrollment or employment from the campus. 任何情况下 involving violence could also result in criminal prosecution. Local law enforcement 如果问题持续存在或出现立即的问题,会被召集吗 threat to a person’s physical or emotional well-being. Campus Crime and Security Report will be compiled and distributed annually.
Riots and Civil Disturbances
A. 过程s: In the event of a riot or civil disturbance remove all students and visitors from the area most immediate to the disturbance. The Person in Charge or representative will notify the following:
- 911报警
- The Federal Bureau of Investigation at the Sioux City Office (712) 258-1920 or at the Omaha Office (402) 493-8688
- The Tribal Business Manager, if on Tribal land.
- Any Member of the Tribal Council, if on Tribal land.
负责人或代表应以所有相关方的最佳利益行事 and solve the problem at its lowest level. For the safety of all concerned the pg电子app下载 employees are not to attempt to mediate.
- Report: Only those reports specifically required will be authorized as indicated.
- 负责人将向学院口头报告事件的处理结果 总统.
- The Person in Charge will prepare a written report to the College 总统, the pg电子app下载 Board of Director Chair, and the Tribal Councils if applicable. 报告将 概述事件如下:如何收到紧急情况,采取的行动,当局 contacted and response. Findings and decisions made conjointly between the Person in Charge and the assisting agencies should be part of this report.
Active Shooter 过程
内布拉斯加州印第安社区学院有三个校区,其中两个位于部落社区, 梅西,内布拉斯加州和桑蒂,内布拉斯加州,一个在市区,南苏城,内布拉斯加州. Each Campus has a designated entry with other entry points. The following instruction is defined for each campus. In the event that an active shooter is identified on the exterior of the building. Staff should lock down the facility as quickly as possible and call 911 or Tribal Police as later identified in the event of entry of an active shooter at each facility. Many rooms at each campus are now equipped with S.A.V.E kits that have items that could be used to protect themselves.
In the event that an active shooter enters the 梅西大学, all staff should attempt to help students exit the building to the nearest exit if they have 清晰的通道. Employees that are trapped should shield themselves in offices, grabbing objects to throw at the shooter or to use as a weapon to defend themselves. 项目 can be found in the blue logo’d buckets throughout the campus, including 2 in the office and VTC 1和2. This protocol follows the training from May 2018. 这样更好 to fight or flight than to sit and be a victim. 项目 to throw would be staplers, hole punchers, books, objects to defend are scissors, screw drivers, forks. 所有员工 designated at Macy Campus should have the Macy PD number saved in their cell phones 402-837-5906, and if able should call them and tell them that there is an active shooter 在校园里.
如果一个活跃的枪手进入圣提校园,所有员工都应该尝试 to help students exit the building to the nearest exit if they have 清晰的通道. Employees that are trapped should shield themselves in offices/classrooms, grabbing objects to throw at the shooter or to use as a weapon to defend themselves. 项目 can be found in the blue logo’d buckets throughout the campus, including 2 in the office and VTC 1和2. This protocol follows the training from May 2018. 这样更好 to fight or flight than to sit and be a victim. 项目 to throw would be staplers, hole punchers, books, objects to defend are scissors, screw drivers, forks. 所有员工 在Santee校区指定的人员应在其手机中保存Santee PD号码 402-288-4464,如果可以的话打电话告诉他们有一名活跃的枪手 在校园里.
South Sioux City Campus:
In the event that an active shooter enters the South Sioux City Campus, all staff should attempt to help students exit the building to the nearest exit if they have 清晰的通道. Employees that are trapped should shield themselves in offices/classrooms, grabbing objects to throw at the shooter or to use as a weapon to defend themselves. 项目 can be found in the blue logo’d buckets throughout the campus, including 2 in the office and VTC 1和2. This protocol follows the training from May 2018. 它是 better to fight or flight than to sit and be a victim. 项目 to throw would be staplers, hole punchers, books, objects to defend are scissors, screw drivers, forks. 所有员工 SSC校园的人应该打911,告诉他们校园里有一名活跃的枪手.
Crime Prevention
A campus community must do more than just react to crime; it must look for opportunities
阻止犯罪. A variety of personal habits will help students, faculty, and staff
to maintain safe interactions while at the college’s campuses:
• Keep contact numbers for emergency calls in your cell phone
• Remove expensive items from view in your vehicle
• Keep personal belongings with you or secured while on campus
• Ask someone to walk to your car with you after dark/don’t leave a student or staff
person alone in the parking lot after dark.
• Buddy system – work together to keep each other safe
• Do not prop open building doors
• Be aware of your surroundings, trust your instincts and practice common sense.
• Report suspicious actions to the campus administration
Sexual and Gender Harassment
pg电子app下载 is pledged to maintain a safe working and learning environment because sexual 骚扰会影响学生的学习成绩、情绪和身体 福祉,预防和纠正校园性骚扰至关重要 to ensure nondiscriminatory, safe environments in which students can learn.
Current laws define various violent and/or non-consensual sexual acts as crimes. 此外, pg电子 Community College has a defined category of sexual misconduct for which action under this policy may be imposed. Generally speaking, pg电子app下载 considers sexual intimidation or exploitation violations to be the most serious, and therefore typically imposes the most severe sanctions, including suspension or expulsion for students and termination for employees. However, pg电子app下载 reserves the right to impose any level of sanction, ranging from a reprimand up to and including suspension or 开除/解雇,任何不当性行为或其他基于性别的违法行为,包括 亲密伴侣或关系暴力,未经同意的性接触和跟踪 based on the facts and circumstances of the grievance.
有关性骚扰和性别骚扰的投诉将提交人力资源部门 Manager and/or Academic Dean.
pg电子app下载没有与预防约会暴力相关的具体校园项目, 家庭暴力,性侵犯和跟踪的定义如下,但我们会配合 with the ONCRT DV Program and DTSU.
Dating, Domestic, Sexual Assault and Stalking.
Sexual misconduct against any member of the pg电子 Community College will be turned over to local authorities for investigation since pg电子app下载确实 not have any 或将通过以下pg电子app下载申诉政策处理. Reporting persons are the Administrative Personnel listed in the Introduction and the Title IX Coordinator, HR Manager as previously stated. All pg电子app下载 Staff were responsible for completing Clery Act, VAWA, and Title IX basic training in 2019. 10个员工 completed the Campus Security Authority (CSA) Training.
学生应保持与教育环境相一致的有序行为. 如果学生有违反校规的行为,教师可以将其赶出教室 right of his peers. The violation is then reported to the Academic Dean for review 和行动. 纪律 is the responsibility of the Academic Dean who has the authority to act on any violation and take whatever action is deemed appropriate. 学术 院长将审查所有投诉,并可能驳回指控,作出行政处理 处理,或与申诉委员会一起进行正式听证会. 可能的纪律处分可以在本目录的学生权利部分找到. 对教务长的调查结果不满意的学生应遵循申诉 过程.
Fair, prompt, and impartial consideration of complaints involving discrimination on 以种族、宗教、性别、年龄、国籍、部落归属或残疾为由 will be provided to students and staff without fear of reprisal. 全面合作 will be provided to an individual who files a complaint of discrimination. 重要的 of discrimination can be directed to the Human 资源 Manager or Academic Dean.
过程s and Policies of pg电子app下载
Students filing Complaints, Question or Concerns can contact the Human 资源, Academic Dean, or Dean of 学生服务 at 844-440-6422 or 402-936-1007. The representative will explain and discuss your right to file a criminal complaint (sexual assault and violence); the pg电子app下载 Complaint process will follow the Grievance Policy as listed in the college’s catalog and at the end of this report. Students also have the right to report any criminal event to the police.
In an emergency call 911 immediately, and preserve any evidence necessary for police 报告.
总统's Contact Information
Micheal Oltrogge
Campus: (402) 241-5928
Cell: (402) 960-5176